

    By browsing this website and in any way interacting with it, you automatically agree to the following conditions. And you agree to abide to them.

    Contact details

    Stall Bengtsson GmbH
    25524 Itzehoe

    Intellectual properties

    The services delivered by this website and the supplied information are protected by different intellectual property rights. We are the copyright owner of the concept, structure, layout and design of this website. Full or partial reproduction, distribution, publication, adaptation, translation or usage for commercial purposes is explicitly forbidden. Browsing this website give you no permissions for this. Exceptions on this are only given by prior written consent.

    Intellectual properties of 3th parties

    We sometimes use YouTube or other services as content sources. Given the agreements of these services state that the content should not violate intellectual properties, we assume that that is the case. In case we, unknowingly, violated your intellectual property, contact us as soon as possible that we can credit you or remove the content.

    Limitation of liability

    We strive for complete and reliable information on our website. We cannot be held accountable for incorrect information on the website, contacting us for corrections is always possible.

    We cannot be held accountable for a malfunction on the website and any potential direct or indirect damage this causes you. We hold the right to limit or block the access to the website in cases of force majeure. A link to a third party website does not hold a implicit approval of the content of that website. When transferring your personal information, we use all available options to make that happen safely, but it is always at your own risk.

    Applicable law

    Only the German law is applicable.


    This website is accessible by recent computers and mobile device with a recent browser. The website holds no guarantees for compatibility and cannot be held accountable for be unavailable.

    It is forbidden to force access to the website that’s not publicly visible. It is also forbidden to modify the website, add or remove items in any way possible.