Come On Plus and Jolie SV qualified for the Bundeschampionat

July 20, 2023, 12:59 p.m. – back to all news

We have two more horses qualified for the Bundeschampionat (the German championships for young horses) – Come On Plus and Jolie SV!
In Klein Offenseth, during the warm-up classes for the qualification Leo and Come On Plus won the L-class for 5-year-olds with a score of 8.6, while Krafft’s Konrada ended 3rd in the same class with a score of 8.2. In the M-class for 6-year-olds, Erik and Jolie SV finished 4th after receiving a score of 8.3. 
On Sunday, it was time for the qualification were Come On Plus ended 3rd among the 5-year-olds with a score of 8.3 and Jolie SV took the 6th place with a score of 8.0 among the 6-year-olds. 

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