Ribbons in Breitenburg

July 3, 2019, 7:07 a.m. – back to all news

Lyjanair, Giovanni, Cassilano JMEN, Del ‘Arko d’Henvet and Emir R all collected ribbons in Breitenburg, Germany last weekend.


Lyjanair took the fourth place in both the L-class and the M-class for young horses with a note of 8,4 and 8,3 – ridden by Bart. Rolf and Giovanni S ended 7th in the Youngster M**, while Cassilano JMEN was placed in the S** class. 


Bart and Del ‘Arko d’Henvet were runners-up in the M** for 6-year-olds and Rolf and Emir R took the 8th position in the Grand Prix on Sunday. 

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